Well no, not really, but I am TIRED. Brady has been sleeping like crap....AGAIN and I have no energy for doing much of anything that I don't HAVE to do. I have to cook, clean, and take the kids to their daily things, but blogging has gone to the wayside. I can't complete a thought so instead I sit on the couch at night watching mindless TV wishing I was more productive. I really need a swift kick in the butt to get me going. I promise to try harder.
So since I last wrote things have changed.
First this happened.....
We got a hamster! We named him Georgie. We had him for 10 days and this happened.....
Georgie wasn't a boy. SHE had 9 babies. Now we have a hamster family.
Thing 3 started crawling rather than dragging himself across the floor....